I'd suggest adding a subpage to the workspace.

Matthias Smed Larsen
Den 24-10-2018 kl. 18:01 skrev Sara Mörtsell:
Hi all,

Thank you Jorid for summarizing these Education links. I think it would make sense for that list of people who work in the education space to go on the new portal, somewhere.
I've recently created a resource (in Swedish) for Education program leaders to learn about the steps we take at WMSE when we collaborate with teachers and Wikipedia assignments at various educational institutions. It's available here https://se.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_i_utbildning/Kursanpassat_st%C3%B6d.


Den ons 24 okt. 2018 kl 15:44 skrev Jorid Martinsen <jorid@wikimedia.no>:

As promised at WikiNEM, here is the list of links to different education resources it would be useful for you people working with education to know about. (Sara, if you have something to add, the please do!):

- The education email list can be found here. In this list you also get info about when The education team at WMF has online office hours, if you need to discuss education related work.

- Info about the Wikipedia & Education User Group can be found here. All of you education workers should become members!

- The Program and Events Dashboard, that is usefull for planning and tracking editing events and trainings.

- Also, a lot of resources can be found at the Wiki Education home page

We also talked about creating a list of who works on education our organizations. Meta is perhaps the best place for this list?

Vennlig hilsen 

Jorid Martinsen
Wikimedia Norge

+47 400 71 589

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Sara Mörtsell

Sara Mörtsell | Education Manager, Wikimedia Sverige 
sara.mortsell@wikimedia.se | +4673-383 26 70

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