I received a mail from mailing list by Sumana about it.
Thank you for posting it here.

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Vishnu <> wrote:

Dear Friends,

Not sure if all of you have got this information about 'Individual Engagement Grants' given by Wikimedia Foundation.

Please see the mail below. Actively encourage you all to consider applying for this.

Best wishes,


"Individual Engagement Grants support Wikimedians to complete projects

that benefit the Wikimedia movement, lead to online impact, or otherwise

serve our mission, community, and strategic priorities.

"We fund individuals or small teams to build, organize, pilot, create,

improve, research or facilitate something that enhances the work of

Wikimedia's volunteers and helps us achieve our vision of a world in

which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all


The deadline for the current round is Feb 15 24:00 UTC, which is about

26 hours from when I send this.  Proposals for the next round will open

in August.

Please also consider helping discuss current proposals between now and

22 February:

"Open discussion and evaluation of proposals is intended to encourage

diversity and innovation in the grants made, by bringing multiple

perspectives to the selection process. Funding limits the amount of

Individual Engagement Grants we are able to make in each round, and

proposals are carefully evaluated and selected according to

pre-determined criteria


Hope this is of interest!

Wikimedia-in-hyd mailing list

Rahimanuddin Shaik

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