Hi Arjuna,

Great news! Very congratulations to you and everyone who is part of it. Way to go!! :-) 

On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Arjuna Rao Chavala <arjunaraoc@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Friends,

On behalf of Telugu Wikipedia and other Telugu Wikimedia projects, I greet you on the ocassion of tenth anniversary of  Telugu Wikipedia today.   Many thanks to each one of you  for your contributions and support  to Wiki eco-system. I am sure that  some of your contributions  are utilised in Telugu Wikipedia.  We encourage you to leave any messages to the Telugu Community on this email thread or on Telugu Wikipedia Feedback page in Telugu or English.


Arjuna Rao Chavala
Telugu Wikipedia Bureaucrat

Wikimedia-in-en mailing list

Regards from Mumbai,
Karthik Nadar.
(+91) 977-360-8862
Secretary, Wikimedia India Chapter.
Bangalore, India. 