Congratulations to all the awardees!

On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Ravi Vyzasatya <> wrote:

Dear fellow Wikimedians,

Thank you all for your encouragement of Telugu Wikipedia community's initiative to recognize the contributors by a special award called Komarraju Lakshmana Rao Wikimedia Puraskaram[1], named after first modern encyclopedist in Telugu, perhaps the first among Indian languages (c.1912-13).

We got 28 nominated proposals for the awards[2] out of which 18 were complete, based on the acceptance criteria outlined in the initial announcement. Selection council analyzed all proposals based on quantitative metrics like wiki statistics and qualitative assessment of each nominee's contribution and it's impact on Wiki 's growth and development. We would like to thank all the people who participated in the nomination and proposal development process and also those who helped to improve the process by their feedback during its roll out. As this is the debut year for the awards, Selection council decided to award 10 recipients recognizing their contributions during the last decade of Telugu Wikipedia. In the order of final assessment score, the awardees are Chaduvari, M Pradeep, Chava Kiran, Veeven, Palagiri, Ravichandra, Ahmed Nisar,, JVRK PRASAD and Bhaskaranaidu. They will be presented with cash prize and certificate during the Telugu Wiki Ten Celebrations . You can see their pictures, citation remarks in Telugu and English [3]. The background material[4] and scoring sheet[5] are also available, if you are interested.

To recognize members who contributed significantly to Telugu wikimedia projects but could not/ did not give their consent for the award nomination and/or did not get selected for the award, Selection council decided to award Jury appreciation certificates. These will be given to 30 members selected by the council[6]. An electronic certificate will be presented in their user talk pages shortly

It's been an arduous effort and the selection council members have put in nearly 1000 hours of effort as a group in the past couple of months since award conception. Can't thank enough the selection council members Arjuna Rao Chavala, A. Rajasekhar, T. Sujatha and A. Radhakrishna. Special thanks to Arjuna Rao Chavala, Selection council secretary for taking the major responsibility for this initiative. We also thank Tewiki 10 Celebrations committee[7] for ensuring necessary funds to support this award.

As with any first time endeavor, I am sure there is room for improvements in this process. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions for future attempts.


Ravi Vyzasatya

1. Award details and rules (in Telugu)
2.  Proposals
3.  Award winner details
4. Applicants work statistics and factors aiding growth
5.Scoring sheet
6. Jury Appreciation certificate winners
7. Tewiki 10 Celebrations Committee

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