
Pending reports

I was at GIJ yesterday to speaking about Wikipedia. Details soon.

Also on Saturday the meetup at Impact Hub came on. Details soon.

Barcamp Ashesi was also great. Report soon.

Upcoming events

Please our monthly meet up will come on. I am yet to confirm the date. Please stay tuned.

Facebook page

This is an old page we don't use anymore. I will request for it to be unpublished. @Rex please help with that. I think you have the log in details.

I have requested for Facebook to change the name from Planning Wikimedia Ghana to Wikimedia Ghana User Group.

To this effect our Facebook page link is now: www.facebook.com/WikimediaGhanaUG

Twitter Page

Our Twitter has changed to @WikimediaGh: http://twitter.com/WikimediaGh

The Wikipedia ERP Twitter remains @
WikipediaERP: http://twitter.com/WikipediaERP

Please follow these accounts if haven't already. 


Please if you haven't filled this membership form, kindly do.