I am a bit surprise by some of your utterances. When have there ever been a situationĀ  whereby a decision has been made by the entire community?

Are you telling me that you are not aware or you haven't been part of a situation whereby a decision has been taken by a select membership of the community?
You have conceded to the fact that in all the two situations Felix represented, you were aware.
I was also aware and so was Sandister.
Who else were you expecting to be part of the decision process for it to be a collective one? I guess you and Sandister are the co founders and none of you objected so what were you thinking?

Felix represented the community in his capacity as Community Manager.
And the decision for him to even be the Community Manager wasn't taken by the entire community but didn't that hold?

If we want this community to advance I think we must do away this pettiness and focus on productive stuff.

Again I believe you can make your cogent points devoid of personal attacks. It's not fair to attack Felix' personality

My thoughts