I would be happy for some input regarding the next genealogy newsletter.

we now have a good number of readers, and while some 4-5 users removed their names from the list of subscribers, the rest will most probably be happy to receive the next newsletter. And this is of course very positive, through that newsletter, we have an information bridge to users who may supprt ideas and suggestons, participate in votes, and help us take one step further in the development of he genealogy project.

But! I dont want to send a new, nice newsletter, which they may read, and then forget. I want this newsletter to actually make an impact, and a difference for the project, and be much more optimized than the previous, and more synchonized wth the fantastic possibilities we have, in order to reach some goals!

So I ask for your help:

I believe the impact of that newsletter can be much better, if more than me would be willing to give some time and energy, putting together something with a clearer message, with stronger arguments, and with a better english than mine.

So please, take some minutes and reflect on what possibly could be acchived with the next newsletter, and how and with what content it should be written?

maybe someone would care to make the entire letter? Othervise, please send me some lines, or at least some advice and ideas for the content.

best regards, Dan Koehl

Kontor/Office: Ljusterö Information
Box 75, 184 03 Ljusterö
Telefon: 11.00-17.00: 08-542 424 01
Dan Koehl, Kårbodavägen 39, 184 97 Ljusterö, Sweden. 
Mobil telefon 1 (Comviq): 0767 15 45 70
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