>From a legal standpoint, yes.

From a marketing standpoint, however, we'd be needlessly weakening our own branding.  The average reader, seeing two logos shown, will assume that there are two separate organisations involved in some manner of partnership.


On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 10:03 PM, N Michael Bashour <nicholasbashour@gmail.com> wrote:
Should we become an official Wikimedia chapter, we can use the
Wikimedia logo in conjunction with the Wiki Society of DC logo. They
can be used alongside each other, divided by a vertical line, for


N Michael Bashour

2011/5/27 Kirill Lokshin <kirill.lokshin@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 8:21 PM, Casey Brown <lists@caseybrown.org> wrote:
>> 2011/5/26 N Michael Bashour <nicholasbashour@gmail.com>:
>> > Attached are two PNG versions of the proposed logo. They're not meant
>> > to be separate logos, just two versions of the same one, where the use
>> > of either would depend on the context. One version has the text of the
>> > name, designed for situations where the text would be large enough to
>> > read (i.e. banners, posters, large promotional materials, etc.). The
>> > non-text version is for use in social media, postcards, notepads etc.,
>> > where the text otherwise would be too small to read. Let me know if
>> > you have any questions, comments or suggetions
>> As far as I know, all Wikimedia chapters use the same basic logo.
>> (Basically, the Wikimedia Foundation logo
>> <http://wikimediafoundation.org> with "PLACE" instead of
>> I don't know if you guys really want to be spending energy coming up
>> with a new logo if you won't actually be able to use it as a formal
>> chapter.  If you guys were just planning on using this until you were
>> an official chapter, then never mind. :-)
> That's the primary intent, since it's unclear when we might be recognized as
> a chapter.
> (There could be, I suppose, circumstances in which a chapter might need to
> use a non-Wikimedia logo -- it really depends on how the phrase "related
> activities" in the chapter agreement is interpreted -- but that's a
> theoretical subtlety that may be of limited practical applicability.)
> Kirill
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