DC area Wikimedians, OSM mappers, and anyone else curious about mapping are invited to join us at the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Library on Saturday. 

We can meet at 11am in the Library Lab (first floor, southwest corner of the building in the Business / Tech division), and best if you bring your laptop.

Depending on the weather and what folks want to do, we can go out around Chinatown / Penn Quarter, map and update OSM. 

Other options include:

* Demonstrate how to upload GPS tracks (though no GPS required for mapping).
* The more technically inclined are welcome to come and hack on OSM. 
* We can finish up with the building imports, which requires little or no technical expertise.
* Anything else mapping-related.

In the end, better OSM maps = better infobox and other maps in Wikipedia. :)


President, Wikimedia District of Columbia
@wikimediadc / @wikimania2012