[I sent this to the info@.. email earlier this week. I apologize for the repeat, but we here are very motivated and would like to tap into the knowledge of the group. In retrospect, my email below doesn’t discuss how the association could assist the mission of your Foundation, but we would, of course cover that too, if you believe we could work together.]


Good afternoon,


The National Association of Attorneys General is currently in the early stages of establishing a wiki presence for our membership—the 56 states, territories and the District of Columbia. The mission is to create a legal information resource for our members in the attorneys generals offices.


I am reaching out to ask for assistance in two areas: best practices for MediaWiki software configuration and development and best practices in relation to content creation. I am particularly interested in starting the project with a solid editorial and technical framework. We have already assembled a team of counsel, legal writers and legal librarians who will be able to provide expertise.


Would someone from your organization be available to meet with me and our project counsel after the Thanksgiving holiday to explore the items above? It is best to reach me by email. I look forward to talking to you about our project.


Best regards,

Lisa A. Jeter

Web and New Media Services Director

National Association of Attorneys General

2030 M Street, NW  8th floor

Washington, DC  20036

(202) 326-6261

