I agree that in theory this could work. I'm with Mako in wondering about hosting in particular. The host for SeaFOSS is a bit  more expensive than average but their service is very good, I've had a few interactions with their support staff and in every case I quickly got what I needed, and I think paying the price premium is worth the good service and maintainability. I am cautious about signing up with a host that might have a lower level of service quality that results in us spending hours of our valuable time trying to fix problems or make updates with inadequate support. Free hosting and registration sound good at first, but I feel that having quality hosting and maintainability are important, and I would want to investigate those issues before making a commitment to any host including a free host. So, AB, can you tell us more about how hosting would work?



On Dec 7, 2014 9:14 AM, "Benj. Mako Hill" <mako@atdot.cc> wrote:
<quote who="Jason Moore" date="Sun, Dec 07, 2014 at 08:38:50AM -0800">
> I don't know if it is required that we use a .org site (like most
> other Wikimedia affiliates), assuming we create an external site
> specifically for use by the group, but if we were interested in
> using something like cascadia.wiki we (group members) would not need
> to worry about registration, hosting, renewals and other maintenance
> requirements.

So, I love the idea of using cascadia.wiki for the group. At the very
least, we could temporarliy just redirect somewhere else. I just did a
search though and saw that it had already been registered. Was that
one of us?

Also, I don't understand how this gets off the hook for registration,
hosting, renewels, etc?


Benjamin Mako Hill

Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far
as society is free to use the results. --GNU Manifesto

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