Of course not.  Meta is the best place to do these things and I know that. ;-)  My comment was about the thread he linked, the one that deals with clearing out the participants list.

On 9/4/07, Ray Saintonge <saintonge@telus.net> wrote:
Casey Brown wrote:
> I would strongly advise against this, it will probably just upset
> people.  I think a better solution would be to just change it to
> "Interested Participants" and, if you want, send them all an e-mail
> via "E-mail user" notifying them of the mailing list (and asking them
> to subscribe), the IRC channel, and that you are trying to get the
> Chapter back on track and would like some assistance writing bylaws.
> On 9/4/07, *Mitchell* <mduce@mts.net <mailto:mduce@mts.net>> wrote:
>     I'm interested in helping out! What does everybody think about
>     http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:WMC#WMC_-_now_with_120_.22participants.22?
>     ____________________
>     Mitch D. (Greeves on all English Wikimedia projects)
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: wikimedia-ca-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org
>     <mailto:wikimedia-ca-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org>
>     [mailto:wikimedia-ca-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org
>     <mailto:wikimedia-ca-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org>] On Behalf Of
>     Delphine
>     Ménard
>     Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 3:37 PM
>     To: Wikimedia Canada planning list
>     Subject: Re: [Wikimedia-Canada] Spinning back up our Wikimedia Chapter
>     On 9/4/07, Gerald A <geraldablists@gmail.com
>     <mailto:geraldablists@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     >
>     > Now that school has started and summer is starting to wind down,
>     I'd like
>     to
>     > start to move the Chapter
>     > creation process forward, and give it a solid schedule.
>     \o/
>     >
>     > I've made preliminary contact with a lawyer with the intention
>     of getting
>     > some assistance in drafting the various bylaws
>     > that are required to give Wikimedia Canada a legal footing. I'm
>     hoping
>     > having someone with skill and knowledge will
>     > shorten the time that it is taking us to tackle this task at
>     present.
>     >
>     > My intention is to keep the process as open as possible, and make
>     available
>     > the by-laws on wiki (and possibly on the
>     > mailing list), so everyone can review and comment on them before
>     we submit
>     > them for official consideration.
>     On wiki is probably the best place. And yes, please a collaborative
>     process, even if sometimes painful (been there, done that :-) ) is
>     definitely the way to go. I would strongly advise meta.
Casey, are you saying that you object to having this developed on Meta?
I really don't understand why you think that having this on Meta would
upset people?


Wikimedia-ca mailing list

Casey Brown

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