Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year! Hope you are excited for a fruitful new year of Wikipedia :)

​updates / activities for January-February 2018 ​

1. Wikipedia Anniversary Celebration (Boston) :
​ ​Wikipedia will be 17 year old in January 2018! We have hosted celebration parties in the past around Wikipedia Day and we can host another small celebration/meet-up in late January/February as per everyone's convenience. 
​Kindly participate in the poll and let us know your availability -  https://doodle.com/poll/ts3r7vwqsfp7v4mz

Data and Editing Workshop @ MIT 
​: ​
SJ is organizing a workshop for people interested in writing about universities and their people+research, next Tues-Thurs. 
Hosted by the Media Lab, which has been leading the way w/ free-licensing policies.  This is part of MIT's inter-activities period, and open to the public; but requires an RSVP for lunch.  
Details and RSVP here: 
​You may reach out to SJ if you are interested in being a mentor for an hour on one of those days. ​

3. ​
Wikipedia Anniversary Celebration (New York)
​ ​
The Wikipedia Day 2018 NYC will be an all day celebration and mini-conference on Sunday, January 14, 2018, hosted by Wikimedia New York City at the Ace Hotel in Manhattan. This Wikipedia Day celebrates Wikipedia's 17th birthday and we expect more than 150 people joining conversations about Wikimedia and allied projects presented by Free Culture Alliance NYC partners.
​More information : 

. Wikimedia Conference and report writing:
​ After successful report submission - t
he New England
​ ​
​ ​
user group
​is eligible​
  to send
​two ​
to the Wikimedia
Conference taking place from
​ ​
20 to 22 April, 2018 in Berlin,Germany.
​ ​
​ ​
need to update our user group repor
​t in order to qualify​
. I have updated previous 201
​Kindly have a look at the draft - 
Apologies if I missed any events, feel free to edit the page. ​
After final report submission, we can talk about Wikimedia Conference representatives at our next ​event/meet-up. 
Thanks for reading this far, and hope to see you soon at Wikipedia anniversary celebration event :)

​ Regards​
​ Suryawanshi, 
Your friendly New England Wikimedian  ​