
The current scope of this list already covers everything from Israel to Australia, and is open to any member from any chapter or Wikimedia volunteer group within the area. Indeed, the "known" groups in Kansai, Cambodia and Tokyo all have members on this list, as are various Wikimedians from Korea, Thailand etc.. (All list members can view the subscriber's list, so you can verify what I said yourself)

That leaves us with one part of the proposal - whether to extend to Africa. With South Africa and Kenya both having their own chapters and working groups sprung up in a few other places, I'm inclined to think they're strong enough to have their own support framework separate from ours. That said, if the main African chapters and working groups are keen on joining us in one solidarity (as opposed to us trying to reach out to them), the possibility is always open...


On 5 March 2012 16:49, Siska Doviana <> wrote:

Hi all,
I would suggest a bold move - (and whoever make this list will probably hate me for it) - to replace this Asia list to Asia-Australia-Africa list. I think a lot of group to chapters are facing similar issues and best to share. Also whether you realize it or not, WMID itself are having serious regeneration issue back in 2010, which we handle quite well fortunately and things are showing sign of progressing in early 2012 for the effort we done back in 2010. This kind of list will help bumping anyone who cares to someone "known" regionally in addition to locally.

Unfortunately I couldn't think of a catchy tag for this new list. (Ok to be honest I thought of "ASS" but that would be inappropriate)

The new list should be open to *any* chapter members and *volunteer group* (like Kansai, Kazakhtan, Korea ) without chapters - or even without group (soloist because their wikipedia only have two editors - for example) who would like to be active in projects and governance or in replying and reading a lot of English *erk*

Any takers? WMID member would be happy to organize the list and start inviting.


Wikimedia-asia-chapters mailing list