So, to summarise the discussion (from Wikimania-l)

* The WMF is still coming to a view on whether it supports a 2018 Wikimania, but the issue is being considered by the Board and the ED. The WMF don't consider the results of their consultation on the matter as conclusive
* The Wikimania Committee have an ambition/intention to hold a 2018 Wikimania, but don't feel this is based solely on the sample of people who showed up to the future of Wikimania session at Wikimania
* A number of chapters have expressed support for Wikimania remaining an annual event, though also thinking that the programme design process needs to be improved
* There is in fact some dialogue between the Wikimania Committe, the WMF board, WMF staff, and the chapters

Have I got that right?



On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 3:01 PM, Chris Keating <> wrote:

I was interested to read the minutes of the most recent Wikimania Committee meeting, which decided that Wikimania will be held annually from now on, and that it will be in sub-Saharan Africa (effectively meaning South Africa) in 2018.

Interestingly, I couldn't see any sign of the Committee's decision being informed by the WMF's consultation on the future of Wikimania, or anyone from the WMF's community engagement department being present. 

I have to say I'm a bit confused, not least about who actually makes the decision about how frequently Wikimania happens. Is anyone able to shed any more light on this?

