
Matthew Roth from WMF wrote to me yesterday and asked if I would like to write about WLPA on the Wikimedia Blog. I am thrilled about that of course :).

He asked about both when I was planning the post(s) and how many posts I would like to see. I have not given him a formal answer yet, but I am thinking that I will ask for three posts:
  1. One next week giving an overview of the contest and the teams.
  2. One post at the end of May wrapping it up (crunching some numbers about number of pics, participants, how much of the lists are now covered etc.)
  3. One blog post in July about the winners of the contest.

What do you think about that? Are there any other things that we should write about regarding the contest? I am thinking that I will put up a draft on the portal at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Public_Art_2013/Media/Blog posts so that you all can proofread and help to improve it.

Also, I have added two suggestions for presentations at Wikimania that would focus on the contest. Please have a look and see if you would like to attend them in any capacity :)


- - - -
John Andersson
Wikimedia Sverige
Project Leader Europeana Awareness

Phone: +46(0)73-3965189
Email: john.andersson@wikimedia.se
Skype: johnandersson86

Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @wikieuropeana
Visit http://se.wikimedia.org/wiki/Projekt:Europeana_Awareness/English for more information about our project!

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