Hi everybody!

I have created a page where we can do translations of texts that we all need in our respective language: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Public_Art_2013/Translation_team

If you would be willing to translate the press release and other texts that I will add there, please sign up on the page!

Also, if you are a native speaker, I would much appreciate if you could have a look at the English text as well!

Thank you!

- - - -
John Andersson
Wikimedia Sverige
Project Leader Europeana Awareness

Phone: +46(0)73-3965189
Email: john.andersson@wikimedia.se
Skype: johnandersson86

Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @wikieuropeana
Visit http://se.wikimedia.org/wiki/Projekt:Europeana_Awareness/English for more information about our project!

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