Hi Bastien,

thanks for reminding. We have been poking them as well, I believe Maarten sent another reminder last week. I'm sorry it is taking longer than expected, but unfortunately this is also outside my influence. Maarten, I assume you don't have any news yet? 


No dia 10 de Janeiro de 2012 12:57, Bastien <bzg@altern.org> escreveu:
Hi folks,

Lodewijk <lodewijk@effeietsanders.org> writes:

> we expect the results to be known by the end of this week or the
> begin of the next.

Is there any news in this area?

I'm asking because I know the two guys that put most of the
videos for the contest -- I encouraged them to do so.

Their motivation was not to win a prize, but to get in touch
with a community.  In december, they asked me a lot about the
results -- now they gave up :(

Any feedback about this part of the contest would be nice,
be it that there is no prize due to the very low number of

