Dear all,

Almost 1 month of Wiki Loves Earth 2020 has passed and more to come! Our goal is to create the biggest database of free photos of protected natural sites. And lists of nature monuments help to achieve this aim, making it easier and more convenient to collect and upload photos.

But how to structure your lists? What items are important to add? We remind you that tomorrow the international Wiki Loves Earth team will answer these questions and all other details you want to know about lists during our online training! Join us:
When: May 30 at 1 pm (UTC)
Duration: about 1 hour
Meeting link:

Please, fill out this short form if you are joining — If you want to attend, but can't, please, submit your details as well! (we are considering organizing one more session suitable for more time zones)

Best regards,
Anastasiia Petrova
Project Manager for International Wiki Loves Earth 2020