Done! You should now be able to directly email the following:
All the best,

On Tue, 11 Jun 2019 at 23:40, Kelee L. Pacion <> wrote:

Hello Thomas,


I sent the newsletter but received a Delivery Status Notification (Failure).  Since it was for Med and Hum I assume it is because I do not have permission to post messages to the group J   Who shall I email to get permission to post to those??





From: Thomas Shafee []
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2019 2:08 AM
To: Jack Nunn; Kelee L. Pacion
Subject: Re: soc media post about sister project proposal?


Kelee, I like the newsletter. Going forwards, do you envisage copy-pasting into an email to send out or sharing the link to the google doc itself? I think either can work (sending the link allows it to be edited after its set out, but pasting it makes it more immediate when opening the email). I guess sending it out to these is the most logical:

Jack, I think if you're willing, there's no harm in adding something about WMF2030 strategy it to the newsletter!


On Wed, 5 Jun 2019 at 23:30, Jack Nunn <> wrote:

Thanks for your response - so just to check - did you want to put something about strategy in the newsletter?

Maybe something about that we're working on a way to gather priorities from the community?

I've now made the loomio public, so anyone can access and add things and vote without logging in:


Thoughts Thomas?



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Find me on Twitter @jacknunn




On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 at 23:38, Kelee L. Pacion <> wrote:

PHEW!!  I thought I had accidentally deleted it! 


I created a new section of the newsletter for UPDATES and added Strategic Liaison to that section.  Just want to fine tune the newsletter so it reads quickly but links out to important and longer discussion.  I think if you want to bullet some of your updates to that section?  However, the “you can vote here” should probably be an action item.  


I think for continuity I will move the UPDATES higher on the newsletter and put the ACTION ITEMS lower.  When I email the newsletter I can copy and paste the ACTION ITEMS into the email itself to highlight.  Thoughts on the flow of the newsletter?  I should ask the other members of the newsletter team J  ah well, they let me make the decisions anyway.


Does that answer some questions from my perspective?  Now to see what Thomas has to say.





From: Jack Nunn []
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2019 9:27 AM
To: Thomas Shafee; Kelee L. Pacion
Subject: Re: soc media post about sister project proposal?


Hi Thomas and Kelee,


I was going to add this to the newsletter but I remembered this is going to be public - so I will now post this as an email.


As strategy liaison, I'm aware that trying to gather views on complex areas, prioritse and then 'represent' these to the Wikimedia foundation will be challenging using email/goodle groups or wiki markup. I propose we trial Loomio - I have experience using this and host a version on 'Science for All' servers - and we offer to host forums pro bono for a number of organisations.


I'll reword what is below as an email but wanted to run it past you both first as I'd hoped to raise this as the last meeting. 


Please note this is all a draft, I jsut wanted to run it past you both before sharing more widely.


All the best,



Deciding Strategy

The role of ‘Strategy Liaison’ is currently held by Jack Nunn - he’s interested in agreeing a way for everyone involved with the WikiJournals to suggest and prioritise strategy issues. One suggestion is using Loomio - here is a mock up of such a discussion, where you can suggest and vote for priorities. We propose to trial this as a method. If you agree or disagree on using this method, you can vote here, with the vote closing on 1st July. Please note this Loomio forum is hosted on ‘Science for All’ servers for free and would be hosted for free by the organisation for the WikiJournals if we decide to proceed (see terms of reference).   



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Find me on Twitter @jacknunn




On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 at 12:44, Thomas Shafee <> wrote:

Hi Kelee,


If you'd be happy to organise the June/July meeting that'd be ideal (I don't want to overload you, but it'd been great having your help!)

I left you as the default organiser in the action items in the meeting notes (also up on meta).


All the best,



On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 at 03:46, Kelee L. Pacion <> wrote:

I think it is a good idea to at least get the concept out there.  What are some good hashtags that other wikipedians use that I might not be aware of?  


We could just take some of your wording, Thomas:  ‘There’s a proposal for WikiJournals to become a new sister project’… looking for feedback on the idea! (with a link to what a sister project means and a link to our proposal) #wikipedia #openaccess   ???other hashtags?



On a related note- going to work on the next newsletter, will email when done and ask for feedback as I missed the meeting.  Did I volunteer to do the June/July meeting? J




From: [] On Behalf Of Thomas Shafee
Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2019 8:05 AM
To: WikiJournal social media
Subject: soc media post about sister project proposal?


Hi Soc media team.


Do you think it's be reasonable to send out any kind of social media post about the WikiJournals as a new sister project proposal ? I'm not sure whether it's a bit to dry/technical/operational?


I've put a note in Wikipedia Weekly facebook group.


All the best,


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