Personally I disagree. There are numerous projects within the Wikimedia foundation and most of them rely on volunteers. If we cannot expand it to a critical mass without throwing money at it perhaps we should first reconsider the model.

Again I propose to look at some of the Frontiers journals. They have a huge board of reviewers facilitating peer review. Perhaps we should invite more editors too.


Op vr 10 aug. 2018 22:54 schreef Jackie Koerner <>:
I think this is a very reasonable proposal. I do think this should be discussed annually in case we need to adjust to be a more appropriate amount. This would be, say as workload and demands increase, or as budget overall increases, the stipend might be adjusted. 



Jackie Koerner, Ph.D.
Researcher & Visiting Scholar

On Aug 10, 2018, at 3:19 PM, Mikael Häggström <> wrote:

Hello again,

I have informed the board at WikiJMed that I would prefer to see someone with more time than me to be the editor-in-chief when my term ends by New Year, and the Assistant editor-in-chief has expressed a similar attitude to it. Yet, the only other candidate to the editor-in-chief position has also expressed reluctance to it. For the long term survival of the journals I think we need to add a monetary compensation to editor-in-chiefs, and practically also to add an incentive to apply to this position.

I think an annual compensation of let's say $2000 for each editor-in-chief and $1000 for each assistant would be a humble start as part of the grant application for next year, especially considering that average salaries for editors-in-chief in the US are about $85.000 (link) and $57.000 for assistants (link). Also, it is very humble comparing to the generally $100.000+ that many people make within Wikimedia Foundation (link), and the income of $91 million that Wikimedia Foundation received in 2017 (link). Thus, we can definitely adjust this amount further in the future depending on the success of this grant application. 

Best regards,


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