Az idei Wikimánia teljes videóanyaga immár megtekinthetõ az Itzik által megadott linkeken!


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From: Itzik Edri <>
Date: 2011/11/29
Subject: [Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2011 videos - mission complete!
To: "Wikimania general list (open subscription)" <>


I happy to announce that all the videos from Wikimania 2011 in Haifa are now available on our channel in YouTube!:
Next week I will send a HDD with all the footage and the edited videos to the WMF so they will have a copy for archive and so they can upload it to commons also.

Don't forget also to check our Flickr stream!:

On the schedule you will find links to the videos:

Also, on each submissions page there is a links to the video, slides and Etherpad (if available). For the presenter who didn't upload their slides yet, please do so and update your submissions page.

*** Bonus! - a video clip that we made after Wikimania to summarize the (amazing!) beach party: ***

It was harder than we thought - to record 3 days, in 5 simulation High-Definition cameras, and than edit, upload and tag them - really not an easy thing. What we thought will take us few weeks, took about 2 months - but I'm happy that we finish with that finally :)

I think now we've made this step, we finished our commitment to the community and to the conference participants. I Hope everyone will enjoy and will found our (hard) work useful. I personally going to find time to watch some of lectures... (a tip for Wikimania organizers - don't plan to attend session during the conference, you will fail :).

And some statistics:
We have about 2TB of footages, 135GB of edit videos, all of them are in HD.
During the confrtence we produce 3 summaries video clips (and one more after that)
Until now the videos on our YouTube channel had been watched more than 16,000 times and our Flickr stream, who have 1,425 photos been seen more than 83,000 times!

Thanks everyone for the great opportunity to have this conference in Haifa, and good luck to the great guys in D.C next year! 

Wikimania 2011 local team
(probably the last time i'm going to use this title...)

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