Magnus Manske <> wrote:
Jimmy Wales wrote:
> Daniel Ehrenberg wrote:

>>It would be nice if we had a feature of the software
>>for this reviewing thing. It could give a random page
>>from a subset of wikipedia yet to be reviewed, and
>>then you'd edit it. After editing it, you would say if
>>it is britannica-quality yet. If two people said yes
>>for the same article, it would be taken out of the
>>subset of articles to be reviewed.
> Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

While that might be a nice feature, I'd like to go to some page (say,
[[Biology]]), and see which articles *that are linked from there* are
approved and which are not. That way, I can move through a field where I
know I can give approvals (or fix it first).


Approved?  What do you mean by "approved"?  Approved by whom, in what way?



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