On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Thomas Douillard <thomas.douillard@gmail.com> wrote:
It is a mistake to have ethanol both subclass and instance of chemical compound.

if chemical compound is a class, then it cannot be a metaclass.

You have forgotten the third option, which is that it can be a class according to some sources, and an instance according to others. Isn't subjectivity fun? :)

On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Thomas Douillard <thomas.douillard@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry Micru, I read your document, but I can't see a relation beetween ethanol, negenthropy, and Wikidata's survival :)

"Ethanol" is nothing more than an identifier for something that you have detected and that matches a certain model. That model can have other identifiers or grouped differently according to other observers that might use different naming criteria.

"Negenthropy" is the emergent process that causes structures in nature to emerge that use "identifiers" and "perception models". They use them because that makes them more efficient over the ones who don't.

"Wikidata" is one tool more used by humans in the race for efficiency, however it shares some similarities with how emergent systems work. As you, I am highly interested in it and its community to have a long and productive life, so the more we understand it the better :)

In any case there are relations there that are hard to realize in front of a computer or in the lab. To me it helps to go into nature and notice the constant change and how the mind interprets that change.

Hope it helps!