2013/4/3 Nikola Smolenski <smolensk@eunet.rs>
On 28/03/13 18:03, Denny Vrandečić wrote:
We have a first write up of how we plan to support queries in Wikidata.

It's getting hot :)

I wish. It's still snow here. In April.

Comments on our errors and requests for clarifications are more than

What is the difference between 'sort' and 'order' QueryOptions?

'sort' defines how to bring the result items in a linear order, and 'order' whether to start at the front or the end of the order. 
And, I wanted to ask this for some time, where exactly are the statements being kept? I see no table that contains statements on the Toolserver, and nothing in Wikibase schema documentation.

In the content of the item, i.e. in the JSON structure that represents the item.


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