The Dutch chapter WMNL has budgetted surveys to check %female contributors and so far I believe we have measured 6%, 10% and 11% female (not all in that timeline order, sadly). According to WHIGI the dawiki %female biography ratio is higher than nlwiki by .1%. The nlwiki bio ratio for women is just over 17% due mostly to lots of female athletes. We have a huge number of historical men from older sources, but our ratio born after 1950 is still pretty low compared to lots of other wikis. Biggest problem is lack of birthdates for women due to BLP concerns I suppose. So the data is incomplete as well.

On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 8:01 PM <> wrote:
(sorry for cross-posting on wiki-research and wikidata)

For an event, I am trying for find statistics about the gender gap. At
one point there was a nice website with some information. Now it seems
to be gone.

redirects to but I get
"502 Bad Gateway"

For I see changes
statistics on a web page. (when I view this page it seems as if the CSS
is missing)

I have trying Wikidata Query Service. I have a few results here:

The bad news is that more complex SPARQL queries time out, e.g. Persons
across Wikipedias and genders, - I can only do it on Wikisource and

For instance, I find the ratio of female biographies on the Danish
Wikipedia to be 17.2% compared to the total number of biographies. It
would be interesting to know how this number compares with other
Wikipedias. If I include Wikipedia as a parameter in the SPARQL query it
times out. (Writing a script could possibly solve it).

For WHGI, I see som CSV files. For instance,
It reports 9447 and 51774 for women and men, respectively. My SPARQL
query does not give these values...

Do we have updated statistics on contributor gender, particularly for
Danish Wikipedia? I know we have some papers on gender and Wikipedia,
"Gender Markers in Wikipedia Usernames" displays 4,6% or 1.2% for
females, while "The Wikipedia Gender Gap Revisited: Characterizing
Survey Response Bias with Propensity Score Estimation" estimates up to
23%. The old UNU survey
seems not to do gender statistics per Wikipedia. seems not to have any gender statistics.

Finn Årup Nielsen

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