On 10/25/15 10:51 AM, James Heald wrote:
Hi Gerard.  Blazegraph is the name of the open-source SPARQL engine being used to provide the Wikidata SPARQL service.

So Blazegraph *is* available to all of us, at https://query.wikidata.org/ , via both the query editor, and the SPARQL API endpoint.

It's convenient to talk describe some issues with the SPARQL service being "Blazegraph issues", if the issues appear to lie with the query engine.

Other query engines that other people be running might be running might have other specific issues, eg "Virtuoso issues".  But it is Blazegraph that the Discovery team and Wikidata have decided to go with.

The beauty of SPARQL is that you can use URLs to show query results (and even query definitions). Ultimately, engine aside, there is massive utility in openly sharing queries and then determining what might the real problem.

Let's use open standards to work in as open a fashion as is possible.


Kingsley Idehen	      
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