Wikidata April 2019
  • 48 participants
  • 51 discussions

Weekly Summary #338
by Léa Lacroix
3 years, 8 months

[Breaking change] Important for Wikidata tools maintainers: wb_terms table to be dropped at the end of May
by Léa Lacroix
4 years, 11 months

Wikimedia language conference on 4-5 July in Cornwall
by Léa Lacroix
5 years

New status of constraint: "suggestion"
by Léa Lacroix
5 years, 1 month

wb_terms redesign
by data_querier
5 years, 1 month

Wikidata meetup in London this week
by John Lubbock
5 years, 1 month

[Breaking change] Empty containers in JSON outputs will be serialized as empty object "{}"
by Léa Lacroix
5 years, 1 month

Weekly Summary #362
by Léa Lacroix
5 years, 1 month

Drops 10 sizes from your waist Shark Tank
by Steven Mitchell
5 years, 1 month

Suggestions based on constraints will be enabled for all users on April 24th
by Léa Lacroix
5 years, 1 month
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