Wikidata March 2017
  • 54 participants
  • 43 discussions

We plan to drop the wb_entity_per_page table
by hoo
7 years

Problems installing Wikibase repository and client in the same site
by Iván Hernández Cazorla
7 years

Comparisons between DBpedia and Wikidata
by Gerard Meijssen
7 years, 1 month

NLP text corpus annotated with Wikidata entities?
by Samuel Printz
7 years, 1 month

Next IRC office hour on April 5th
by Léa Lacroix
7 years, 1 month

Wikimania 2017
by Léa Lacroix
7 years, 2 months

Significant change: new data type for geoshapes
by Léa Lacroix
7 years, 2 months

Hello Wikidata!
by Glorian Yapinus
7 years, 2 months

Federation in the Wikidata Query Service
by Stas Malyshev
7 years, 2 months

Monumental – cultural heritage monuments from wikidata in pretty
by Paweł Marynowski
7 years, 2 months
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