Wikidata October 2016
  • 73 participants
  • 49 discussions

We plan to drop the wb_entity_per_page table
by hoo
6 years, 12 months

Hello Wikidata!
by Glorian Yapinus
7 years, 1 month

WDQS examples migrated
by Stas Malyshev
7 years, 2 months

Greater than 400 char limit for Wikidata string data types
by Sebastian Burgstaller
7 years, 4 months

Master thesis
by Nazanin Kamali
7 years, 6 months

Stable Interface Policy: Database Schema as a stable API
by Daniel Kinzler
7 years, 6 months

#WikidataBirthday present: new release of Wikipedia and Wikidata Tools for Google Spreadsheets add-on
by Thomas Steiner
7 years, 7 months

Tool to identify the articles versions across Wikipedia language editions?
by Reem Al-Kashif
7 years, 7 months

Wikidata weekly summary #233
by Léa Lacroix
7 years, 7 months

Birthday: Parser function, Scholia, and a new story
by Léa Lacroix
7 years, 7 months
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