Wikidata September 2015
  • 62 participants
  • 50 discussions

weekly summary #177
by Lydia Pintscher
8 years, 7 months

I know this is AbsolutlyWrong™
by John Erling Blad
8 years, 7 months

Using the SPARQL endpoint of WIkidata outside its GUI
by Andra Waagmeester
8 years, 7 months

weekly summary #176
by Lydia Pintscher
8 years, 7 months

Wikibooks has data access
by Lydia Pintscher
8 years, 7 months

Units are live! \o/
by Lydia Pintscher
8 years, 7 months

Re: [Wikidata] [ANNOUNCEMENT] first StrepHit dataset for the primary sources tool
by Marco Fossati
8 years, 7 months

Fwd: [Wikimedia-l] Upcoming database purge on Freenode
by Gerard Meijssen
8 years, 7 months

Fwd: Internationalisation of people names
by Federico Leva (Nemo)
8 years, 7 months

Gerrit Cleanup Day on Wed 23rd: Are you ready?
by Andre Klapper
8 years, 8 months
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