Wikidata April 2014
  • 39 participants
  • 25 discussions

[Wikidata-l] Semantic MediaWiki conference: call for participation
by Yury Katkov
9 years, 11 months

[Wikidata-l] next Wikidata IRC office hour
by Lydia Pintscher
10 years

[Wikidata-l] Bot request: 250+ thousands person data
by Federico Leva (Nemo)
10 years, 1 month

[Wikidata-l] Call for Papers - DChanges 2014: ACM DocEng Workshop on (Document) Changes: modeling, detection, storage and visualization
by Angelo Di Iorio
10 years, 1 month

[Wikidata-l] Autocomplete API for a search field in an external app
by Maxime Lathuilière
10 years, 1 month

[Wikidata-l] Welcome Helen and Anjali!
by Lydia Pintscher
10 years, 1 month

[Wikidata-l] weekly summary #107
by Lydia Pintscher
10 years, 1 month

[Wikidata-l] testing needed for next deployment
by Lydia Pintscher
10 years, 1 month

[Wikidata-l] Wikibase/ Wikidata for structuring biodiversity knowledge
by Daniel Mietchen
10 years, 1 month

[Wikidata-l] Meta header for asserting that a web page is about a Wikidata subject
by Andy Mabbett
10 years, 1 month
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