Wikidata March 2013
  • 62 participants
  • 41 discussions

[Wikidata-l] weekly summary #49
by Lydia Pintscher
11 years, 2 months

[Wikidata-l] is there a "schema" for the claims of a libraries collection ?
by rupert THURNER
11 years, 2 months

[Wikidata-l] question about Inclusion policy discussion
by Benjamin Good
11 years, 2 months

[Wikidata-l] wickiana, not all interwiki links can be seen?
by rupert THURNER
11 years, 2 months

[Wikidata-l] Are there plans for interactions between wikidata and wiktionaries ?
by Mathieu Stumpf
11 years, 2 months

[Wikidata-l] Unable to add a reference
by Mathieu Stumpf
11 years, 2 months

[Wikidata-l] weekly summary #48
by Lydia Pintscher
11 years, 2 months

[Wikidata-l] Mandatory update for interwikibots
by Vito
11 years, 2 months

[Wikidata-l] P:238, 239, 240
by Sven
11 years, 2 months

[Wikidata-l] phase 1 live on all remaining Wikipedias now and update to
by Lydia Pintscher
11 years, 2 months
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