Please remember to give us feedback about your experience with the current bug report/feature request process on Wikidata.


If you have not already taken the survey, you can either use this anonymous form[1], or answer the questions publicly on this talk page[2].


This feedback loop will run until September 30th.


Thank you for your time!







From: Mohammed Sadat Abdulai
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2020 1:27 PM
To: Discussion list for the Wikidata project;
Subject: What’s your experience with reporting bugs or feature requests to the Wikidata development team?


Hello all,

Currently, various channels exist to report bugs or make feature requests related to the Wikidata software. You can for example leave a message on Wikidata:Contact the development team or create a ticket on our task tracking system Phabricator with the Wikidata tag. You can also ask questions on the various social channels run by the Wikidata community, like the Facebook group, Twitter, or the Telegram group.

We identified some issues with the current process from our perspective, and we would like to hear about your own experience, whether or not you already submitted a bug report or a feature request. After collecting all of this feedback, we will propose a reviewed and improved process for you to interact with the Wikidata development team.

You can find more information about the project here (current status, problems we identified, timeline). You are very welcome to give us feedback, either using this anonymous form, or answering the questions publicly on this talk page. This feedback loop will run until September 30th.

If you prefer giving feedback in person, we can also offer you a live call to talk about your experience! This call will take place on September 15th at 18:00 UTC on Jitsi

Please avoid replying to this email if you have questions or feedback, but feel free to write on this talk page.

Thanks for your attention,


Lea and Mohammed


Mohammed Sadat

Community Communications Manager for Wikidata/Wikibase

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24
10963 Berlin