You and I should DEFINITELY talk!
My presentation is about evaluating and improving wiki resources (WikiPedia, Wiktionary, OmegaWiki) for the needs of translators.

Alain Désilets, National Research Council of Canada
Chair, WikiSym 2007

2007 International Symposium on Wikis
Wikis at Work in the World:
Open, Organic, Participatory Media for the 21st Century


From: [] On Behalf Of GerardM
Sent: July 29, 2007 4:28 PM
To: Research into Wikimedia content and communities
Cc: Sabine Cretella
Subject: Re: [Wiki-research-l] Question

As an apetizer, is what I will talk about ... I only have half an hour for my presentation.. So I think there will be much to talk about outside of the presentation :) I will also talk for an hour about language related stuff.. this is where I will mention OmegaT supporting MediaWiki translations. There are plans to go beyond what is currently on offer; when the API for writing to MediaWiki is available, we want to include this as well. Also we have dreams about recognizing the domain of a text that is to be translated and provide a dictionary for translators optimized for the domain... We have progressed in this direction.. we are not there yet.

On 7/29/07, Desilets, Alain <> wrote:
BTW: If there are any OmegaWiki people on this list who plan to be at WikiMania, I'd love to meet you guys.

From: Desilets, Alain
Sent: July 29, 2007 3:50 PM
To: 'Research into Wikimedia content and communities'
Cc: Sabine Cretella
Subject: RE: [Wiki-research-l] Question

Thx for the pointers Sabine and Gerard. But I still can't figure out those instructions.
> [8:51:36 PM] Sabine Cretella zegt: first drop down menu
When I go to OmegaWiki, what I see is the attached screen shot.
Where is the "first drop down menu" in that picture?
> [8:51:48 PM] Sabine Cretella zegt: once the project is created you say
> [8:52:11 PM] Sabine Cretella zegt: project/import from mediawiki
> [8:52:18 PM] Sabine Cretella zegt: and you provide the link
Presumably once I have found the "first drop down menu", the rest will be apparent right?

From: [] On Behalf Of GerardM
Sent: July 29, 2007 2:54 PM
To: Research into Wikimedia content and communities
Cc: Sabine Cretella
Subject: Re: [Wiki-research-l] Question

I had to ask how it works, and I asked Sabine Cretella who is with the OmegaT project (as well as so many other projects :) )

[8:51:43 PM] Sabine Cretella zegt: you first have to creat a project
[8:51:48 PM] Sabine Cretella zegt: once the project is created you say
[8:52:11 PM] Sabine Cretella zegt: project/import from mediawiki
[8:52:18 PM] Sabine Cretella zegt: and you provide the link

On 7/29/07, Desilets, Alain <> wrote:
I looked around OmegaW and could not find this feature. Can you give me an idea of where to find it?

From: [] On Behalf Of GerardM
Sent: July 29, 2007 1:10 PM
To: Research into Wikimedia content and communities
Subject: Re: [Wiki-research-l] Question

It is an option in a menu, what you have to do is provide the URL.

On 7/29/07, DaBuum <> wrote:
Hi GerardM,

>       From:
[ ] On Behalf Of GerardM
>       Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 7:13 PM
>       NB for the information of transtlators, OmegaT does support the
reading of a MediaWIki text as a start for a translation.. :)

Do you have some more information about this topic? How to get MediaWiki
text in OmegaT?


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