I just want to say that I am so glad to be on this list.  I think we are going to end up with a show that is the perfect blend of tragedy and comedy and I know we'll squeeze every last drop of magic and miracle out of it. 

I haven't been able to participate with the energy I had hoped.  But please know how much I love being swept up in the group's collective  energy and genius.  

One question -- exactly what day are we performing?  I have Saturday August 14th.  Is that correct? 

Terry, the still slightly addled. 

-----Original Message-----
From: James Ayres <>
Sent: Fri, May 14, 2010 10:03 pm
Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] Round II

The lost/found is everywhere in the final plays, Pericles/Thaisa/Marina (all three lost), Posthumus/Innogen/her bros, Hermione/Perdita, and according to Gonzalo, everyone.  And, of course, the reconciliations are wonderful, though I have a bit of trouble with the Cym ending.  We did All's Well once with a really great ending, with bobo Bertie finally coming around.  And indeed I still remember the wonderful ending of CE.  RE: magic, what about Roz at the end of AYL, and Mistress Quickly and the fairy gang in MWW?  Some brief transitions :  Antigonus "dream," Queen Mab. Innogen(Fidele) "awakening."

Hope I am not intruding.  But thought of those.


On May 14, 2010, at 7:59 AM, McDonald G. wrote:

Dear all,
The recent posts remind me of something.
I've just been teaching Joyce's Ulysses.   Here's something pertinent that Stephen Dedalus says about why he prefers the romances to the tragedies of Shakespeare:
  --If you want to know what are the events which cast their shadow over the hell of time of King Lear, Othello, Hamlet, Troilus and Cressida, look to see when and how the shadow lifts. What softens the heart of a man, shipwrecked in storms dire.  Tried, like another Ulysses, Pericles, prince of Tyre?
--Marina,. Stephen said, a child of storm, Miranda, a wonder, Perdita, that which was lost.  what was lost is given back to him....

One idea might be to start with the children of storms--and move on to softening of hearts.
Love to all,

From: [] On Behalf Of Mike Godwin
Sent: 14 May 2010 15:44
Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] Round II

Tempest, Act IV, Sc. 1.


On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 8:15 PM, Mary Collins <> wrote:
Greetings, All!

Thanks for all the ideas that poured out in the
last couple of weeks. They were a wellspring of inspiration. Now, we are asking that you focus
your scene suggestions on ideas related to the themes "Mystery/Magic/Reunion/Reconciliation". (Past reunions have been built around "Fools and Madmen/Masking,"
"Deception," and "Dream
and Play.")  In order to help us with the monumental culling process ahead, please resubmit any scenes you have already submitted if you
feel they fit the themes.

We are thinking about a structure for
the performance that would include transitions between scenes, so as to accommodate all the weekenders who might want to perform.  It
would look something like:

Scene 1
Transition 1
Scene 2
Transition 2
Scene 3
Transition 3



transitions, there could be anything from poetry to song to dance to monologues ....  whatever weekend people would like to contribute; weeklongers could sign up, too.

In '05, the performance went on for
close to 4 hrs., which was too long.  We think we should aim at 1.5, followed by 20 minute intermission and come back with a 1 hr
closing.  Figuring now: If we limited the scenes to 10 minutes and the
interludes to 3 minutes, we could do 11 scenes and 10 interludes within
the 150 minute period comfortably.  The number of scenes will
depend upon what scenes are selected, of course - many scenes seem to
run 10-12 minutes.

The day of the reunion is meant to be a day
full of performances. There will be opportunities available to do
something at the brunch, at a pre-performance moment,
and later, at
the banquet.  (During these times, we won't necessarily be concerned
about theme). We "week-longers" should remember that those
opportunities exist for us (if we have time!), as well as for the
week-enders (anyone want to name these two groups, please??)  and we hope to capture three or four Camp Shakespeare kids for some

We are setting a deadline for contributing
ideas/brainstorming of Sunday, May 23, which gives all of us ten days to read, think,
dream, put it out there.

Thanks, and more thanks.


Doc and the Gals.

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