Great imagery, Dear Alice!    Tis a great sadness to lose such a bright spirit though I believe there are atoms of each of us there in the barn.  I'll imagine her strutting across the grounds in her boots, shorts, pigtails and cowboy hat.. that mischievous smile, her gleeful laughter, joy of life...and those great hugs.
Love to you All,
----- Original Message -----
From: Alice Gordon
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] plans in memory of Lizz

However one defines spirit, Lizz's will always be there. I'm imagining a
bright star over the barn on a dark summer night.

> From: Matt Kozusko <>
> Reply-To: <>
> Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 12:10:15 -0500
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] plans in memory of Lizz
> Dear All,
> Sorry--I forgot to clarify, but please note that the plans to scatter
> ashes may change altogether.  I say this because it's probably best
> not to share that information.  There are certainly quite official
> regulations involved, but also I'm told the family hasn't made any
> decisions!  What Clayton reported I think did originate with Allison,
> Lizz's sister, but it's not a set plan.
> M
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