Dear Doc,

First, I think engaging in larger conversations with the full list of alums from 1970 to 2000 is a fine idea. The way I'd initiate a newsletter, if I were you, would be to repost something like the message from you below to the larger (Winedale-l) list.

Second, if the newsletter is going to be quarterly (or thereabouts), then I think there's no need for separate newsletter subscriptions as such -- the people on the large list who haven't turned off their subscriptions already would probably love hearing stuff via newsletter from time to time. And it's easier to boost readership if you begin on an opt-out basis rather than on an opt-in basis.

Third, while in principle I'd love to be the person editing and producing the newsletter, I don't feel I can take on any new projects until I get my employment situation settled, so I would have to demur for now.  But my guess is that if you asked the larger list for volunteers you'd probably find some, especially among people who couldn't participate more directly in last summer's reunion activities, but perhaps also among those who could. So far as I know, everyone who's on the weeklong-l or weekenders list is also on the big list.

Does this help?


On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 6:45 PM, James Ayres <> wrote:

During the past few weeks as all of us have seen spirited exchanges among the "week-long" group about  life and death, celebrations and sorrows, Oscars and roses, I've been a bit concerned that only some 21 of us (week-longers) have been engaged in these experiences when certainly others on the "week-end" and longer list might well be interested in hearing what is happening.  I'd like to suggest that we create a "Sh at W Former Student 1970-2000 Newsletter, sent to all "subscribers." i.e., those who would like to receive it, to tell them them what has been happening, what is developing, while inviting them to send us info about what they are doing.  I would be happy to Edit it along with some two or three others.  Let me know what you think about the idea.   To begin this, we could send a letter to the "long" list telling everyone about the Newsletter, that it will be sent every two months (or three? or send it whenever we want to?)), asking them whether or not they would like to receive it.  We take on those that respond.

Do you have time to help with this? Can you easily facilitate the inquiry to all?   What do the rest of you think about the idea?

