These are great but they are really BIG!!  I'm still in Computer 101-2.  Give Amanda a BIG hug!!!
Red heart emoticonJoy
----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Larsen
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] photos from performance?

Clay- Amanda took a lot of photos, at least one of every scene and usually several.  There are 119.  Some are blurry, but many are not.  they have lots of pixels.  I will try to send you two. 

--- On Tue, 8/17/10, Clay Stromberger <> wrote:

> From: Clay Stromberger <>
> Subject: [Weeklong-l] photos from performance?
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 8:22 AM
> Hey everyone --
> While I'm thinking of it -- if anyone you know took still
> photos during the performance, could you put me in touch
> with them? I'd like to gather as many as possible for
> the Winedale archives. I know we have Trey's video but
> the stills are often more useful for future publications
> etc.
> Also, I wanted to give my kids some photos with which to
> remember the weekend.
> I felt too busy to document things as we went, but sure
> with I had photos of all of you right now to put up in my
> little office!
> cheers,
> cs
> Clayton Stromberger
> Outreach Coordinator, UT Shakespeare at Winedale
> College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin
> cell: 512-228-1055, cell #2 (backup): 512-363-6864
> UT Sh. at W. office: 512-471-4726
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