Hell, in '71, there was cannibalism!  Well, not really, but we, well, we got pretty hungry sometimes and it was, you know, a long time to supper I remember once, and all we had was bread and mush, and gitlins, everyday, gitlins, okay, actually, we ate pretty good....but still, it got damn scary let me tell you.  The sun was an angry god that year, my friends.  Sticker burrs? - Ha! - I laugh at sticker burrs!  Just look at our program cover from that year (attached) that I found in my old beat up complete works:  Dark. . . Edgy. . .  kind of a satanic clown?...maybe a little bit?  hmmm, seemed creepier at the time.....Anyway, what did we know? . . just a bunch a crazy kids and a dream.. . . 
----- Original Message -----
From: Clay Stromberger
To: mnemonic@gmail.com ; weeklong-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Weeklong-l] New York Times

Spot on, Mike.  I remember several of the '90 students who came back in '91 telling me that summer, with a somewhat wistful air, "Yeah, last summer... I don't know... it was more.... INTENSE..."   They missed it.  It had really tested them.   And it was the first full performance there of 1Henry IV, which was a special experience.

At times, I have to say, it was a "ring of fire" and I felt as if I were walking on coals.  But people pay good money to do that, I've heard.  And Bruce is right, every summer had its coal-walking moments.  Those make the best stories to tell years later.

Human beings can be difficult.  O, what fools we mortals be.

Madge was there, her first summer, she can tell you more some evening...


On Jul 29, 2010, at 1:11 PM, Mike Godwin wrote:

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Clay Stromberger <cstromberger@mail.utexas.edu> wrote:
What thuh...?

I was Doc's assistant that summer!  

In the great imaginary competition that was going on a while back on these airwaves for Best Summer Ever, I thought about claiming a special category of award for this summer:  Worst Summer Ever.  None of you, I believe, can claim that title -- so there!  

One of the things that surfaced when I met with Britt Block for coffee last weekend was that 1981, which for me was my worst, most traumatic summer at Winedale, was for Britt the best. And that in 1989, when Britt returned as Doc's assistant and I returned as (merely) an older student. Britt had a tough summer, and I had a lovely one. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if someone remembered 1990 as a peak experience.

By the way, Britt says a personal hi to all of us, and especially to Doc!


Weeklong-l mailing list

Clayton Stromberger
Outreach Coordinator, UT Shakespeare at Winedale
College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin
cell:  512-228-1055, cell #2 (backup): 512-363-6864
UT Sh. at W. office:  512-471-4726

Weeklong-l mailing list