What a thrill!  Thanks to Michael Barker, not only for treating some of us weeklong folks to movies and dinner this week, but also for making Searching for Sugar Man.  Mums the word because the less you know about it going in, the better.  Don't read reviews, just run and don't walk when it's released around the county at the end of July.

Michael, safe travels as you leave Austin today.  To the rest of you that are not in Austin, I'd suggest you start making trip plans now to be here next time Michael comes for SXSW.

Great seeing so many of you this week.  What an incredible community we have.


Madge Darlington
Co-Producing Artistic Director
Rude Mechanicals
Grrl Action
(512) 627-6038

*Next up: *

*The new untitled play* - January/February 2012
*The Method Gun at Powerhouse Festival (Brisbane, AU)* - February 2012
*The new untitled play* - May/June 2012

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