Hi Andrew, here you go - in Danish:

Vidste du, at du nu kan dele fakta som billeder i Wikipedia-app'en? Start med at vælge en tekst fra hvilken som helst Wikipedia-artikel. Vælg "Del" og app'en danner et billede af teksten og bruger topbilledet fra Wikipedia-artiklen som baggrund.

/lotte, copenhagen

2015-03-31 20:44 GMT+02:00 Andrew Sherman <asherman@wikimedia.org>:
Hello :),

My name is Andrew, I am a new Digital Communications Intern on the Communications team at Wikimedia Foundation. I help edit and publish for our Wikimedia blog, produce digital media, and help with other general communications tasks.

We have a short paragraph that needs to be translated:

" Did you know that you can now share facts as images from the Wikipedia app? Start by selecting text in any Wikipedia article. Then select share and the app creates an image with the text using the top image from the Wikipedia article as a background. "

This short script will become captions for a video to be released later this week. 

Here are a few languages we would like help translating to: Russian
Spanish, French, Arabic, German, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese. 

Any other languages are welcome and appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email. Thank you in advance for all your help and support.


Andrew Sherman
Digital Communications | Wikimedia Foundation

Translators-l mailing list

Lotte Jack Wenzel
Sundvej 14, 2. tv
2900 Hellerup
Mobil: 40274000