On Betawiki we have the link encoding ?setlang= which changes the language until you setlang something else. But that doesn't work on other wikis, but would be a nice feature. Especially useful for Commons links from local projects.

2008/4/29 Brianna Laugher <brianna.laugher@gmail.com>:
2008/4/29 Casey Brown <cbrown1023.ml@gmail.com>:
>  Hmm, I think we could manage it if we changed our {{***Lang}}
>  templates a little bit.  See for example what we do with Wikimania
>  2008 wiki: <http://wikimania2008.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page> (try
>  clicking on the different language links and see what happens to the
>  interface).

The problem with that is that unless you encode all links with
&uselang=XX, the interface will "jump" back to default (English) after
just one click. It could be argued that that effect is disorienting,
confusing and unexpected (there is no clear way to understand "what
you did" to make the localised text disappear, nor "how to get it

So, IMO that is a very poor hack that is no substitute for a proper
solution. (We tried to confront this problem at Commons. :) No good
solution yet. More tech is needed.)


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