Translators, The 2010 Fundraiser needs your help!

This year’s fundraiser is to be a collaborative and a global effort. Your translation help will ensure that we communicate our core message to as many people as possible. This will help us to reach out to every single person on the planet, expanding  free access to the sum of all human knowledge.

Like past fundraisers, we rely heavily on the team of translators to translate the banners, forms, information pages, and more into the languages we support. Some of the messages may not translate well, or appeal to every audience, so when translating you are free to use the words that fit your language and culture best or have an effect that is similar to the one expressed in English. If there's no wording that will work, please let me know.

We need your help for the following:

On Meta:

** The FAQ and Core Messages are a good place to start:

** To see what banners and designs look like see:


(Note, these designs may change)

** Please annotate your translations with *** if you feel your contribution needs work or if you feel there is another that should not be used.


** Help us by localizing the payflowpro gateway and the donate interface:

Our goals this year are aggressive, but achievable.  The work that you do on translation will help us realize the potential of this year’s fundraiser. We want to involve all the communities because we raise funds to realize our shared aspirations.

Thank you in advance for your efforts. In this way you contribute to the sustainability and expansion of this remarkable resource of human knowledge.

Sam Chapman
Associate Community Officer
Wikimedia Foundation 

Imagine a world in which every human being can freely share in
the sum of all knowledge.  Help us make it a reality!