In just 7 days, you are scheduling  Dewiki, Frwiki, Fawiki, and Cswiki. So you should have added French (already done), and Persian and Czech (to do) to the list

Le mer. 23 sept. 2020 à 19:24, Ilana Fried <> a écrit :
*Correction: Priority for translation is German, Spanish, and Hebrew

On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 1:20 PM Ilana Fried <> wrote:
Hello everyone,

The announcement of the watchlist expiry feature is ready for translation:

Direct translation link:

Our priority is translation for German, English, and Hebrew. We would like the translation for these languages complete as soon as possible. We also encourage translation into other languages, as we plan to release to other wikis in the future.

Let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We appreciate your help and feedback.

Thank you in advance!

Ilana Fried
Product Manager, Community Tech
Translators-l mailing list