Hello Nichole and fellows, 

One of the volunteering translator of strategy process from Chinese Wikimedia community is asking that, he is confused regarding "the first big question", what is it to be exact, and also, what would be the "themes"? 

I am thinking maybe the first question may be "What are going to build or achieve together in the next 15 years?" And when people provide some initial feedback on the big question, we can develop more details of those "what" into different themes, such as content-quality-and-quantity-wise, contributor-wise, advocacy-wise, these kinds of themes. Is it correct?

Is there any example for the possibles themes may be? These are rather difficult for people who have no experience with strategy process or sense making to imagine those term stands for, and it would be helpful for them to understand the process to elaborate it or demonstrating some vivid case study. 

Thank you.

Liang-Chiu ShangKuan
Discussion coordinator from Wikimedia Taiwan