Attaching Suzie's reply to Gereon fyi below as she encountered a technical issue trying to reply to the list and then did so directly.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Suzie Nussel <>
Date: Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: Week 3 questions
To: Gereon Kalkuhl <>, Jan Eissfeldt <>

This email got lost in my stack yesterday... sorry for the delay. See below. I will have Karen make the changes on meta and mark them for translation. Thank you for spotting these errors,

When reading the content of Week 3 of Cycle 3 two questions remain:

1) I read about "traditional modern institutions". Do you mean 
"traditional" or "modern" institutions? Or is there an "and" missing?
It looks like this got caught in the edits. Change to "established institutions"

2) "Wikimedia content may become less attributable". Attributable to 
what or whom? Or do you mean that it might become more difficult to find 
reliable sources for content?
The last bullet should be:
As commercial companies continue to develop closed apps, products, and platforms, reliable sources may become more difficult to find and Wikimedia content may become less accessible. (Note that this topic will be further developed in future research.)

On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 6:05 PM, Gereon Kalkuhl <> wrote:
When reading the content of Week 3 of Cycle 3 two questions remain:

1) I read about "traditional modern institutions". Do you mean "traditional" or "modern" institutions? Or is there an "and" missing?

2) "Wikimedia content may become less attributable". Attributable to what or whom? Or do you mean that it might become more difficult to find reliable sources for content?

Best regards, Gereon

Strategy mailing list

Jan Eissfeldt
Senior Strategist
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.