Thanks for this Nick - the change is very helpful (for us in the UK certainly) and I appreciate the strategy team's responsiveness to the concerns raised! 

All best

On 16 June 2017 at 22:16, Nick Wilson (Quiddity) <> wrote:
Hi all,

There has been a significant update to the timeline today. Summary here:

Notice of cycle extension (cycle 3 - July)

We have had a great deal of activity this past week from organized groups. Many have told us that the timelines are too short for them to engage as deeply as they would like. In addition, most of the research from the New Voices track has just been completed. To better accommodate the community and organized groups, and create the opportunity to deeply consider the New Voices research, we will be extending the schedule.


This will ensure that everyone has the time to review and digest the key insights from the research and over 150 expert interviews, as well as more effectively plan their conversations.


July: Cycle 3 - Engage with New Voices content and draft the strategic direction

August: Share and finalize (including at Wikimania!)

September: Endorsement


I've copied this to the main Strategy page.
If you're able to help with translations, the link is:

I've also updated the timeline template:

More details as they come.

Much thanks, and have a good weekend!

Nick Wilson (Quiddity)
Community Liaison, Wikimedia Foundation

Strategy mailing list


Lucy Crompton-Reid

Chief Executive

Wikimedia UK

+44 (0) 207 065 0991


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