---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Zahn <>
Date: 27 March 2018 at 19:24
Subject: [Ops] new deployment server (tin -> deploy)
To: Operations Engineers <>


good old tin.eqiad.wmnet was out of warranty and running jessie,
so as part of our hardware refresh goal it had to be replaced by something new.

We now have deploy1001.eqiad.wmnetĀ  and it's running on stretch with PHP7
and we just switched deployment servers and Mukunda is running the first deploy from it as we speak.

<+logmsgbot> !log twentyafterfour@deploy1001 Started scap: Deploy 1.31.0-wmf.27 to test wikis

Here are the related puppet changes that switched it and added stretch support:

Additionally mwscript needed a way to detect php5 or php7, for that see:

There are also more details on today's SAL and on:

tin has not been killed yet and for now remains a scap master, just in case.

Daniel Zahn <>
Operations Engineer

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