
service-template-node v0.3.2~[1] has been released. This is an important update for all services that contact the MW Action API or RESTBase, as it brings a unified way of dealing with such requests. To make requests against the MW API use apiUtil.mwApiGet() (from lib/api-utils.js), while for RESTBase there is apiUtil.restApiGet(). To find out more, read the documentation~[2] or look at the example routes~[3] where these utility functions are used.

In particular, CXServer, Graphoid and MobileApps should update ASAP, as these are the services already making requests to these entities. When you update your service, please let me know as deploying the change will need a coordinated config and code deploy.


[1] https://github.com/wikimedia/service-template-node/tree/v0.3.2
[2] https://github.com/wikimedia/service-template-node/blob/v0.3.2/doc/coding.md#external-requests
[3] https://github.com/wikimedia/service-template-node/blob/v0.3.2/routes/v1.js

Marko Obrovac, PhD
Senior Services Engineer
Wikimedia Foundation